Tinto at Five

Tinto (tin-toe): Colombian definition, black coffee (normally with sugar)

Tinto’s blog

Tinto’s blog is a place where you’ll find a bit of everything about the Latin American community in London, from entrepreneurs’ stories to events coming up.

So sit back, relax, (have a tinto?) and read some great articles about:

world globe showing South America

Is South America a country?

Is South America a country? does South America have a capital? Short answer is NO. But wouldn’t you like to know more about South America and some fun fact about it?

Find out more about Is South America a country?
CASA festival sign

Event: CASA Festival 2021

CASA Festival 2021, the Latin American festival in the UK, welcomes you to enjoy a month full of art. CASA has a variety of artforms organized by the artistic director, Cordelia and her team.

Find out more about Event: CASA Festival 2021
Soraya is sewing while smiling

Soraya’s home business

Mum’s sewing is a business owned by a single mother who has taken her free time as an opportunity to follow her dream, to create her own fashion brand.

Find out more about Soraya’s home business