Tinto at Five

Tinto (tin-toe): Colombian definition, black coffee (normally with sugar)

Accessibility Statement

Tinto at Five adheres to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, a set of guidelines stipulated by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) used to ensure websites are designed and written in a way that makes them accessible to everyone. This means that:

Access Key Details

These are the keys available throughout the site:

Access key – 2 – Skip to navigation

Access Key – 3 – Skip to main content

The way to activate the accesskey depends on the browser. If you would like further details on this, please check this article from MDN Web Docs where it will let you know the different ways to activate the accesskey.

Contact me

I would like Tinto at Five to be accessible for everyone. Therefore, feel free to contact me at nelly[@]tintoatfive.com if you experience any difficulty while browsing through Tinto at Five.