Tinto at Five

Tinto (tin-toe): Colombian definition, black coffee (normally with sugar)

About Tinto at Five

Tinto means typically red wine, but it also means a small cup of black coffee with sugar in Colombia. Tinto is part of the Colombian coffee culture. Therefore, it was part of my childhood too. One of the sweetest childhood memories is seeing my grandmother enjoying her tinto in the living room. Usually early in the morning, around 5 o’clock. I remember her drinking her hot tinto while sitting on the sofa with the lights off. Just enjoying the house’s silence as she knew that once we started waking up, silence would be filled with our busy schedules. That short frame of time was her time, and a tinto was the best way for her to enjoy it.

Tinto can be a social drink as well as a me-time drink, and that is exactly what the Latin American community is, a place where you can be yourself, laugh out loud, dance, eat, all while feeling part of a family.

Tinto at Five

Aims to promote and increase the awareness of the Latin American community through the services they offer to the residents by including …

illustration of a door with an open sign

Local shops

illustration of a sewing machine with lights on

Home-based businesses

illustration of a smiling woman with a red cape

Brave entrepreneurs’ stories

illustration of a light bulb on

Tips and events

Places covered by Tinto at Five so far

Click here to check the list of local businesses.

Would you like to be part of Tinto at Five?

Being part of Tinto at Five means that your local/home business will increase its online presence while being shown on a reliable online platform that aims to promote Latin American cultures to all the different communities in the UK. In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to have a photography session and a short interview.

If you would like me to include your Latin American local business on this website, have a look at this document where it’ll explain everything you need to know. And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me through social media or by email: nelly[@]tintoatfive.com

Who’s behind Tinto at Five?

Nelly smiling

Nelly Camacho

Hi! My name is Nelly and I was born in Colombia. I came to the UK as a teenager and had the opportunity to study Design at college. I obtained my Bachelor’s in Illustration in 2018. I recently completed a master’s in Web Design and Content Planning at the University of Greenwich, and I am now working as a web designer.

I’m always looking for opportunities to offer something to my community. Therefore, I decided to develop an online platform, where Latin Americans can promote their cultures through the services they offer to all residents.

I am looking forward to growing this platform and helping as many local businesses as possible by offering a reliable online platform where they can promote their companies and increase their online presence.